Whenever a space shall be marked off on any highway for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle there parked shall be parked within the lines bounding such space.
(a) Only angle parking shall be permitted at the following intersections;
— Main Street, North Side, between Rankine Avenue and Iroquois Avenue, except as provided in Section 460.03.
— Main Street, South Side, between Rankine Avenue and Smithson Avenue, except as provided in Section 460.03.
On all highways or portions thereof where angle parking is now or shall hereafter be authorized, all vehicles parked thereon shall be parked with the front thereof nearest the curb.
(b) Proper signs shall be posted to designate the restrictions and/or requirements of this section and any other section of this chapter regulating or restricting parking.
(a) Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
All alleys – Both sides, entire length
Bell Street – South side, east of Smithson Avenue
Cunningham Drive – Along the one-way portion from East Lake Road to a point 100 feet south of the centerline of East Lake Road
Cunningham Drive – From East Lake Road to a point 100 feet south of the centerline of East Lake Road
East Lake Road – Planted center portion and both sides between Water Street and Franklin Avenue
Iroquois Avenue – Any point situated in the Township of Lawrence Park
Lake Cliff Drive – Both sides between East Lake Road and Putnam Street
Lakeside Drive – Both sides from Halley Street to Harvey Street
Main Street – Between Napier Avenue and Water Street, but passenger discharge or pick-up permitted. Posted signs designate restrictions and exceptions. North side from the corner of Smithson Avenue east a distance of approximately forty-five feet and from the corner of Smithson Avenue west a distance of approximately forty-five feet. South side from the corner of Smithson Avenue west a distance of approximately 110 feet.
Napier Avenue – West side between Iroquois Avenue and Morse Street; west side south of Main Street and north of Main Street at Rumsey Avenue between posted signs.
Newton Avenue – West side between a point located 85 feet south of Draper Place and a point located 129 feet south of Draper Place, said points being 44 feet south of a 20 foot alley, as laid out, and the south side of said alley.
Niagara Place – At Silliman Avenue, between posted signs.
Priestley Avenue – In front of 1029 Priestley, an area five feet in width, as posted.
Rankine Avenue – In front of 1061 Rankine, between posted signs.
Silliman Avenue – East side between a point located 26 feet north of Main Street and a point located 70 feet, 8 inches north of Main Street. Said area shall be utilized for parking for Fire Department personnel only. Appropriate signs shall be erected to identify the “Parking for Fire Department Personnel Only” area hereby established.
Tyndall Avenue – At service driveway (700 block) on west side of street, from a point 35 feet on both sides of the driveway, between posted signs.
Tyndall Avenue – At school bus loop driveway (800 block) on west side of street, from a point 30 feet on both sides of driveway, between posted signs.
Water Street – Both sides between East Lake Road and the South Township line.
(b) Parking shall also be prohibited at all times on the boat ramp at the Access Gateway off Lakeside Drive.
(c) (1) No persons shall at any time park, or leave standing, any vehicle, trailer, or other similar motorized/non-motorized craft along either side of Field Street between Smithson Avenue and the entrance to the back parking lot of Iroquois High School.
(2) Official signs shall be erected and maintained on both sides of Field Street between Smithson Avenue and the entrance to the back parking lot of Iroquois High School in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Parking is hereby prohibited on all bridges and in all viaducts located in the Township at any and all times.
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at all times on the days and between the hours hereby indicated:
Highway | Side | Between | Days | Hours |
Main Street | Both | Rankine Avenue and Napier Avenue, except as provided in Section 460.03 | Fridays | 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, except legal holidays |
Main Street | Both | Rankine Avenue and Iroquois Avenue | All | 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM |
No person shall park a vehicle or tractor, or allow the same to remain parked, for longer than the time herein indicated, in any of the following locations, at any time on the days and between the hours herein indicated:
Highway | Side | Between | Days | Hours | Limit |
Main Street | Both | Rankine Avenue and Iroquois Avenue, except as provided in Section 460.03 | Monday thru Friday | 8 AM to 5 PM | Two hours |
(a) No person shall park a commercial vehicle or allow the same to remain parked for longer than the time necessary to load or unload such vehicle at any time or in any location on any of the highways in the Township.
(b) “Commercial vehicle” means a truck with a weight class of three or above and any unattached trailers.
(c) The driver must remain in the immediate proximity while the vehicle as described herein is so parked.
(a) A parking area on Township property along Water Street near the East Lake Road intersection is hereby established for semi-trucks and trailers, subject to the following rules and regulations:
(1) Parking will be restricted to Township residents only.
(2) A parking permit tag issued by the Township will be required and posted in the front window of the vehicle. The permit must be renewed annually by January 1.
(3) All vehicles will be parked in a designated area on the north portion of the lot as indicated by signs.
(4) No vehicles will be permitted to be parked longer than seventy-two consecutive hours.
(5) The owner/operator of the vehicle will sign a waiver form absolving the Township of any liability to the vehicle or driver.
(6) The owner/operator will be responsible for any spillage of fluids and proper clean-up of any spillage.
(7) No detached trailers will be permitted.
(8) Permission to park may be revoked by the Township at any time without cause.
(b) A parking permit fee of five dollars ($5.00) is hereby established. The fee may be adjusted from time to time by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
The streets and alleys in the Township shall not be used for the repairing or overhauling of vehicles except in an emergency.
Disabled, dismantled, or unlicensed vehicles, or vehicles without current inspection stickers, shall not be parked or stored on any of the streets or alleys in the Township. Such disabled, dismantled, or unlicensed vehicles, or vehicles without current inspection stickers, must be removed within forty-eight hours after notification by certified letter from the Township Police Department.
(a) Parking shall be prohibited on the west and south sides of all Township streets on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of every week. Parking shall be prohibited on the east and north sides of all Township streets on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of every week.
(b) For the purpose of this section, a day shall end and a new day commence at 8:00 a.m.
(c) Exceptions to subjection (a) hereof shall be as follows:
(1) No parking Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on the north side, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the south side, of Bell Street, and Niagara Place from Smithson Avenue to Rankine Avenue;
(2) No parking any time on either side of Dobbins Road from Putnam Drive to Joliette Avenue; Joliette Avenue from Dobbins Road intersection to Cabot Street; Napier Avenue from Draper Avenue to Morse Avenue.
(d) Nothing herein shall be construed to permit parking in areas, streets, or locations where prohibited or regulated by other sections of this chapter.
(a) It shall be the duty of the peace officers of the Township to report all violations of any provision of this chapter, indicating, in each case:
(1) The section violated;
(2) The license number of the vehicle involved in such violation;
(3) The location where such violation took place;
(4) The time of such violation; and
(5) Any other facts that might be necessary in order to secure a clear understanding of the circumstances attending such violation.
(b) The peace officer making such report shall also attach to every such vehicle a notice that such vehicle was parked in violation of this chapter.
The following regulations shall be applicable to Iroquois School District property:
(a) A ten mile per hour limit for all vehicles is hereby imposed on all school driveways and parking lots.
(b) Parking on drives and lots within a twenty-five foot radius of fire hydrants is prohibited.
(c) Parking shall be prohibited in all areas posted with “No Parking” signs.
(d) Proper signs and lane markings shall be installed by the District.
(a) Policy
(1) It is policy of the Township to designate parking spaces reserved for handicapped persons or severely disabled veterans in residential areas, provided that applications for such parking spaces are approved pursuant to the procedure hereinafter set forth.
(2) Designated handicapped parking spaces resulting from an approved application will remain in effect until the following October 31, unless an application for renewal is received as hereinafter set forth.
(3) Any designated handicapped parking spaces in residential areas which are or were not processed as set forth below will become invalid as of October 31, 1998.
(4) All handicapped parking spaces in residential areas which were approved prior to the date of approval of this section will continue in effect until October 31, 1998, unless renewed as set forth below.
(5) Approved handicapped parking spaces in residential areas will be removed when the applicant no longer resides at the address contained in the application, the applicant no longer has a handicapped license or placard, or the applicant is no longer disabled.
(b) Requirements for Application
(1) The applicant must reside in the Township of Lawrence Park.
(2) The applicant must not have off-street parking available at his or her residence.
(3) The applicant must possess a handicapped license plate or placard issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(4) The applicant shall complete the form attached to original Ordinance 402-97, passed January 27, 1998, and designated as Exhibit “A,” or such other form as may hereafter be approved by the Board of Commissioners.
(5) The applicant must submit a physician’s certification in the form attached to original Ordinance 402-97, passed January 27, 1998, as Exhibit “B.”
(6) The application fee shall be thirty dollars ($30.00), which sum shall be due and owing only if the application is approved. No charge shall be paid if the application is denied. The application fee shall apply to new parking spaces only. Annual renewal applications will not require an application fee. Handicapped parking spaces designated prior to the date of adoption of this section will not require an application. However, such parking spaces will require annual renewal as of October 31, 1998.
(c) Procedures
(1) Applications shall be submitted to the Township office. All approvals shall expire on the following October 31. Applications for annual renewal of existing handicapped spaces must be submitted between October 1 and October 31 of each calendar year.
(2) All applications will consist of two forms consisting of the application and the physician’s certification on the form approved by the Board of Commissioners.
(3) Applications which indicate that the applicant does not have a handicapped license plate issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or a handicapped placard issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall not be processed.
(4) The procedures to be followed regarding the submission and review of applications shall be as follows:
(A) Applications shall be submitted to the Township Secretary and forwarded to the Chief of Police, who will conduct a site visit and evaluate the application based on his or her determination of need, other parking remedies, and public safety. The Chief of Police will make a written recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.
(B) A copy of the recommendation from the Chief of Police shall be forwarded to the applicant along with written notice of the date, time, and place at which the application shall receive consideration by the Board of Commissioners.
(C) The Board of Commissioners shall approve or deny all applications.
(D) The Township Secretary will direct the posting of the necessary signs at approved locations.
(E) The Chief of Police will provide an annual report to the Board of Commissioners during the month of November summarizing the status of reserved parking spaces granted in accordance with the procedures outlined above.
(a) The first legal parking spaces located on Silliman Avenue and Rankine Avenue, immediately south of their intersections with Main Street, shall be designated for use by handicapped persons only.
(b) Signs shall be posted designating said parking spaces for use by handicapped persons only and indicating that the fine for a violation thereof shall be not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00).
In areas zoned Resident (R-1 and R-2), as established in Chapter 1266 of the Planning and Zoning Code, no vehicles, including, but not limited to, cars, trucks, vans, tractors, trailers, boats, or motorcycles, shall be parked closer to a street than the minimum front yard setback established in Chapter 1280 of the Planning and Zoning Code, except in an area having access to a street at an approved curb cut, the surface of which is paved or improved with gravel or crushed stone.
(a) Two-Way Highways. All vehicles parked on any two-way roadway or traffic-way within the limits of the Township shall have the right-hand wheels no more than twelve inches from the right-hand curb or frontage of any property; all vehicles shall face in the direction of travel and shall be in compliance with posted parking regulations.
(b) One-Way Highways. Except as otherwise provided in this section, all vehicles parked upon a one-way roadway or traffic-way shall have the right-hand wheels no more than twelve inches from the right-hand curb or frontage of any property, or with the left-hand wheels no more than twelve inches from the left-hand curb or frontage of any property; all vehicles shall face in the direction of travel and be in compliance with parking regulations.
460.99 PENALTY
(a) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter, for which another penalty is not provided, shall be issued a parking ticket and the fine shall be ten dollars ($10.00) if the same is paid within seventy-two hours of the time the ticket is issued. If the fine is not paid within such seventy-two hour period, the fine shall automatically increase to fifteen dollars ($15.00). If the fine is not paid within seven days of the date the ticket is issued, the fine shall automatically increase to twenty dollars ($20.00). The identity of the violator shall be determined and a notice shall be sent to said violator informing him or her of the violation, notifying him or her of the fine, and further notifying him or her that unless the fine is paid within ten days of the date of the notice, a citation will be issued and the fine shall increase to twenty-five dollars ($25.00), plus court costs. If the fine is not paid within the ten-day time period allowed in said notice, the fine shall increase to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and a citation shall be filed with the appropriate authority. Failure to provide notice, or failure to receive the same, shall not reduce the fine nor constitute a defense in any proceeding. The fine set forth herein may be adjusted from time to time as determined by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
(b) Any person who shall violate the terms of Section 460.03(c) shall be assessed a fine of fifteen dollars ($15.00) which shall be due within 72 hours of the issuance of the citation or notice of enforcement which shall increase by five dollars ($5.00) to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) if not paid within such 72-hour period. In the event the fine is not paid within 15 days after the issuance of the citation or enforcement notice, the Lawrence Park Township Police Department shall institute with the District Justice having appropriate jurisdiction a summary enforcement action under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure and such person or persons, upon conviction thereof in said action, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00), as well as costs of prosecution, all court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by Lawrence Park Township in such action to the fullest permitted by State law, and such fine shall be paid over to the Lawrence Park Treasurer.
(c) Whoever violates any provision of Section 460.12 shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a District Magistrate, or other proper authority, be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00), and, in default of said payment, shall be confined to the Erie County Jail or other proper institution for a period of not less than one nor more than five days.
(d) Any person who is not a handicapped person or severely disabled veteran and who is found parking in a handicapped parking space established under Section 460.135 or Section 460.137 shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine or not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) plus costs. Each day that a violation of Section 460.135 or Section 460.137 occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense.