Please DO NOT put leaves or tree limbs/branches/twigs in the streets. Tree limbs and leaves will break the street sweeper and render it inoperative. They can be taken to the Harborcreek Township compost site located at 5601 Buffalo Road behind the Harborcreek municipal garage; follow the road and signs to the right of the salt sheds. It is open from 8:00 – 4:00, Monday thru Friday. Any leaves that are dropped off must be removed from plastic bags, and bags must be taken home. Limbs, logs or tree stumps larger than 6 inches in diameter are not permitted to be dropped off at the compost site.
NOTE: Grass clippings are NOT accepted at the Harborcreek Township Compost Facility because many are contaminated with commercial “weed and feed” products.
Pro Waste will pick up bagged grass and shrub clippings, and bundled sticks up to 4 ft. They will not pick up leaves.